Monday, October 19, 2009

The true form of overstaying a welcome

Today I came across a very interesting argument featured on . In Howard county (a county in Texas) there seems to be a bit of an overcrowding problem as the author mention the problem not rests in the hands of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the author argues how it is a bit tiring to hear of the same problem that coexist in many places in Texas. The author also argues how these problems can be fixed with minimum effort and granted I do actual agree with everything this author says this problem in Texas has been going on for years. In all county’s across citizens are being forced to fork extra money to pay for criminals that are being held over the time limit they were suppose locked up in county jail in the argument the author featured a small clipping from a local newspaper showing the distress that the local sheriff felt for having to care for so many criminals not only their safety but the health and dangerous risk that can happen during overcrowding. Like the author hinted great things can be accomplished when someone just puts effort into it.

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